Businessman charged with assaulting Iranian Ambassador granted bail

Court decision

The businessman accused of assaulting Dr. Alireza Delkhosh, the Iranian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, has been released on bail.

The 33-year-old suspect was granted bail after appearing before Colombo Fort Magistrate Kosala Senadeera today (May 22).

The incident occurred on May 18, 2024, near a shopping mall on Muttiah Road in Colombo 02.

According to reports, an argument broke out between the Ambassador and the suspect as the Ambassador was entering the mall’s car park.

During the altercation, the suspect allegedly assaulted the diplomat and attempted to flee.

The Iranian Ambassador, having exited his car, placed his hand on the suspect’s vehicle and asked him to wait for the police. Despite this, the suspect started his car and drove forward, leading to an accident involving the Ambassador.

Police officers arrived at the scene and arrested the suspect, who is a businessman residing on Ward Place in Colombo 07.