Human rights must be at the heart of next Presidency – AI

Amnesty International

Sri Lanka’s next President must put human rights at the heart of their policies, Amnesty International (AI) said yesterday (18).

The Human Rights Organisation called on candidates to prioritise key human rights issues, including commitments on transitional justice.

“Human rights must be at the heart of the next President’s policies. The authorities have made slow and limited but important progress when it comes to addressing human rights violations and abuses including the areas of truth,  justice, reparations and guarantees of non-recurrence. To move on, the wounds of the past must be redressed. That is only possible if these gains are built upon,” AI’s South Asia Director, Biraj Patnaik said

“The families of the disappeared, the victims of torture and sexual violence, the people forced off their land, and others who have suffered grave human rights violations must not be forgotten. The suspected perpetrators must be held accountable.”

Amnesty International also calls on candidates to, if elected, commit to repealing repressive laws, protecting civic space, abolishing the death penalty and protecting human rights including the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.

(Ceylon Today)