Sri Lankan Tri-Forces engage in Anti-Human Trafficking training led by Defence Secretary

Defence Secretary of Sri Lanka, Kamal Gunaratne at Anti-Human Trafficking training programme in Sri Lanka

Senior officers of the Sri Lankan Tri-Forces participated in a Human Trafficking Training Programme at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo on Friday (June 7).

The program, inaugurated by Defence Secretary and Chairman of National Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (NAHTTF) General Kamal Gunaratne, emphasized the critical role of the Armed Forces in border security and combating trafficking.

Furthermore, he emphasized, “The involvement of the Armed Forces in rehabilitation and reintegration programs for trafficking survivors is a critical component of our comprehensive anti-trafficking strategy.”

General Gunaratne highlighted the importance of military intelligence collaboration with other agencies to track and dismantle trafficking networks.

He emphasized the necessity of continuous vigilance and intelligence sharing in this endeavor.

The training, aligned with the National Strategic Action Plan to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking (2021-2025), aimed to enhance understanding of relevant legal frameworks and Penal Code sections concerning human trafficking.

Resource personnel from the Attorney General’s Department, including Additional Solicitor General Mrs. Haripriya Jayasundara PC and Senior Deputy Solicitor General Mr. Dileepa Peiris, conducted lectures to provide comprehensive insights into combating human trafficking effectively.

The event was attended by Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, Air Force Commander Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa, Chief of National Intelligence (CNI) Maj. Gen. Ruwan Kulatunga, NAHTTF officials, and numerous senior Tri-Forces officers.

Anti-Human Trafficking training programme in Sri Lanka

Anti-Human Trafficking training programme in Sri Lanka