Steps to resurrect failed projects
Posted by Editor on August 10, 2016 - 2:41 pm
Government is taking steps to resurrect the failed projects and strengthen the national economy said, National Policies and Economic Affairs State Minister Niroshan Perera.
Minister Perera made these comments tabling the document relating the establishment of a Chinese Industrial Zone close to the Mattala Airport.
He said that the government has started a productive program to resurrect the failed projects and thereby settle the loans. These projects will be started legally, according to the recommendations of the government while investments will be made to ensure that all environmental standards are met. These projects will provide jobs to youngsters in the country.
(Government News Portal)
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What a good idea. Hope this project want fail. Then we will have another project to rescue failed, failed, failed project.
That’s a great initiative.
The Wickrema-Sena Government inherited many white elephant projects built for self-aggrandisement of the previous rulers.
These white elephants were financed by overseas sources at high interest rates.
Concerted action to make something out of the white elephants inherited will serve the nation well.
Jereome You must be another naive Sri Lankan if you believe that the project that are recommencing were failed projects that are being resurrected by these present jokers. What a lot of bullshit. I can not believe so many Lankans so ignorant. Any way you are free to think what ever you like. The bottom line is the more bullshit you believe the more they will feed you.