Samagi Jana Balawegaya cannot expel me – Diana

Ranjith Madduma Bandara Vs Diana Gamage

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Parliamentarian Diana Gamage said she continues to function as an SJB Member and that the Party cannot expel her or stop her from being an MP.

She said she will not allow the SJB to suspend her Party Membership that easily and warned that she would seek legal redress over the actions of the SJB shortly.

Gamage observed that former UNP MP Upeksha Swarnamali too had backed the then Government and that her MP post had not been challenged in Court.

She added that while being in the SJB, she had backed the 20th Amendment to the Constitution according to her conscience, after having thought about its consequences to the country.

(Source: Ceylon Today – By W.K. Prasad Manju)