Sri Lanka celebrates its 76th Independence Day

Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe

Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his independence day message, invites all Sri Lankans to contribute their utmost energy to the noble mission of rebuilding Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka celebrates its 76th Independence Day on February 04, 2024.

Sri Lanka President’s Independence Day Message:

As we commemorated the 75th year of our nation’s independence, we encountered the indignity of being labeled a financially bankrupt country. Nevertheless, upon the advent of the 76th Independence Day, we have effectively navigated through these challenges, steering the economy toward stability despite numerous impediments and challenges.

Achievements were realized progressively, owing to the steadfast support of our citizens who endured hardships in keeping with a comprehensive, long-term national rebuilding programme. Throughout this journey, challenges will gradually dissipate, life’s burdens will lighten, the economy will fortify and Mother Sri Lanka will undergo a renaissance.

Upon gaining independence in 1948, global expectations envisioned Sri Lanka evolving into a developed nation in the East, given our favourable background. Regrettably, we deviated from this course and found ourselves grappling with economic difficulties.

It is imperative that we obtain insights from past mistakes and avoid their repetition. With the current growth trajectory acknowledged globally, let us collectively resolve on this Independence Day to persist on this path and reinstate prosperity.

I invite all Sri Lankans, at home and abroad, to contribute their utmost energy to the noble mission of rebuilding our nation.

Ranil Wickremesinghe,
Sri Lanka President.