Sri Lanka wants US to reconsider position on war crimes
The Sri Lankan government Wednesday urged the US to reconsider its position on the island nation and support efforts towards achieving reconciliation in the country.
Sri Lanka’s Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem said, instead of further polarising the country, the international community, including the US, must look at alternate mechanisms like encouraging a truth commission in order to see reconciliation being achieved in the country, Xinhua reported.
Hakeem said the US government had a preconceived notion on Sri Lanka and this was clear even during the recent visit of Stephen J. Rapp, ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, Office of Global Criminal Justice of the US State Department.
The minister said digging for evidence to back war crimes charged on Sri Lanka will only aggravate the division among communities and not help reconciliation.
The US Sunday urged Sri Lanka to seek the truth over alleged human rights abuses through independent and credible investigations.
The US embassy in Colombo said Stephen J. Rapp, during his recent visit to Sri Lanka, not only heard about the progress made since the conflict, but also the Sri Lankan people’s continuing desire for reconciliation, justice and accountability.
The US said it remained committed to working with the Sri Lankan government to promote greater peace and prosperity for all people of the South Asian country, and it was vital that all sides came to an agreement on events, had appropriate redress, and moved forward as a unified country that upholds the rule of law and respects the principles of democratic governance. (IANS)
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Why can’t we say to US that, we will do the investigations and find out the truth. in fact we all knows that the numbers shown is not the real truth. So we can use our own time to resolve and come out with the results and output. Rather than pulling here and there we can say that we will do the investigations based on evidence. And results will be posted periodically in phases to the UN by every 2 years.
May be this is a silly thing but it will make them keep quite and those LTTE supports will have to wait. Till the generation pass.
USA has become a bully-boy. Along with Britain it has committed gross war crimes and crimes against humanity in several countries including in their own countries.
However, these two countries consider themselves above and beyond Human Rights laws, laws on crimes against humanity and war crimes. They apply these laws assiduously to small nations who do not play ball with USA, to let USA control their countries to suit US agenda of world domination and to pillage their countries of all their mineral wealth, while corrupting local leaders.
Who is going to charge USA and Britain of gross war crimes and crimes against humanity? UNO had been founded to, to monitor and prevent such crimes and bring to book leaders of countries big or small who contravene such laws, at the Hague through ICC. But this is not happening as UN has become a puppet of USA, the bully-boy. Any UNSG who dare to accuse USA and Britain of war crimes and crimes against humanity will be undoubtedly assassinated through its criminal organisation, CIA
I am waiting, hoping and praying for the day when the combined military might of China and Russia will end the world domination of USA with its ‘yes’ man, Britain, to bring about justice at last by charging all the living US Presidents, British PMs and military personnel and defence secretaries etc of USA and Britain at ICC in the Hague of gross war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Those who commit crime have to pay the price!
Agree with the responses. It is true, to cover one’s own mistakes to accuse others FIRST.
We need an organization to represent ASIANS in an Asian country. Other nations cannot enter or join this organization. Asians for Asian well being & affirs would be just as relevant & better than PRESENT UNO.
Srilanka did not commit an any crime…our brave forces had to of the world ruthless terrorists call TAMIL TIGERS.To Vanished Terrorism.Hier you can see..what is war crime.
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