United Kingdom welcomes Sri Lanka’s constructive engagement with Universal Periodic Review

Sri Lanka and United Kingdom flags - UK flag with Sri Lanka flag

The United Kingdom on Tuesday (July 11) welcomed Sri Lanka’s constructive engagement with the Universal Periodic Review process of the Human Rights Council and the initial steps it has taken to make progress in some areas since its last review.

The UK government said this in a statement issued a day after the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcomes of Sri Lanka, Japan and Pakistan on July 10.

The statement goes on to say that the UK recognises the significant political and economic challenges that Sri Lanka has faced in recent years and encourages Sri Lanka to continue efforts to foster political inclusion.

The UK also has emphasised the importance of reconciliation, justice and accountability for all communities, and the importance of upholding the right to freedom of assembly and expression.

It added that the UK is committed to work constructively with Sri Lanka to advance the protection of human rights and to achieve justice and reconciliation.

“We reiterate our commitment to work constructively with Sri Lanka to advance the protection of human rights and to achieve justice and reconciliation.”