Yugadanavi power plant agreement is a betrayal – Chandima

Chandima Weerakkody

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna MP Chandima Weerakkody stresses that the agreement to transfer 40% shares of the Yugadanavi LNG power plant in Kerewalapitiya, to an American company is one that betrays the nation.

The Parliamentarian said all Cabinet Ministers who allowed the agreement to be signed are guilty of betraying the future of Sri Lanka.

Speaking to media today MP Weerakkody commented that clear proof was available over the agreement being signed in secret.

He reiterated that an agreement that was signed by concealing it from the Attorney General is violating the Constitution, since the Right to Information Act is still valid.

MP Weerakkody said those who have betrayed the country must be uncovered by the President, and punished despite their rank.

(Source: News Radio)