October 21, 2010: Former chief justice Sarath N. Silva says that in an era where human rights are fast disappearing, it is most appropriate to wear the national dress in black colour.
The former chief justice expressed these views addressing a function in Anuradhapura today to felicitate Attorney at Law Karunaratne Herath for the service he had rendered to the judicial sector for 30 years.
“We are living in an era where we all are being deprived of human rights. Look at the television and you can see all kinds of protests. Mr. Lalkantha, continues to wear the black shirt. He tells me that the moment he takes it off, he has to immediately wear it again because somewhere, someone is arrested, or assaulted. Because of that, he says that he should be wearing it all the time.
“I feel that I too should be wearing something similar and I think that we should make the black shirt our national dress,” said the former chief justice.
He also said that the economic development some persons were boasting about could not be observed at village level.
“Even bread has become divine food, because we humans simply cannot afford to buy it. People are being told to consume rice instead of bread. The government need not give that type of advice. The people should have the freedom to eat whatever they wish according to their own ‘chinthana’.
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Sarath Silva has come out at last from the closet where he withdrew after the resounding defeat of SF his buddy. He has now put himself forward as the champion of human rights. It has become a favourite football to kick-about these days by the JVP and like-minded goons. I wonder whether he paused to consider the human rights of his wife, and the human rights of the attorney whose wife he stole. ‘People who live in glass houses should not throw stones’. He was also caught red-handed with a prostitute in his car. This was the Chief Justice of the country! He managed to escape justice through the intervention of the Hon President. The man has no moral conscience. He has brought shame on the judicial system. The chief up-holder of the law saw himself as above the law. Lesser mortals are not so fortunate.
This idiot is now parading in front of cameras declaring to the world what a great champion of human rights he is! I am sure he has lots more skeletons in his cupboard to reveal, more like garbage perhaps.
My advice to SNS is stay retired. This is the same advice I give the former general, stay retired. Both of them supported each other and appeared together in the same podium during Presidential elections. SNS bent the law and gave interpretations to please his comrade, SF. That traitor is now in prison. He should be found guilty for High Treason and hanged publicly.The country was saved from the evil fascist terrorist leader VP and his kotiyas by the courage and strategies of the Commander-in-Chief, Hon President. How laughable that SF credited himself solely with the victory. He must be taking the country to be inhabitted by jackasses. He was at the time surrounded by a few adulating jackasses like SNS, AR, and JVP leaders and UNP goons. So he deluded himself with the belief the whole nation saw him as the one and only hero. Poor fool. What a jackass!
Nicoles Dias
Are you living in moon.How can you say traitor to SF.What do you say about Karuna, who killed 600 unarmed policemen. Dont be a joker
Dear Nicholas,
I hate to be judgemental but I am sad to note you are being a typical example of my brethren in the Southern community.
You guys fought a war. Let’s not be judgemental on the objectives or the manner of the war. The war was certainly won by you guys.
There were heroes created in that war. And what are you doing to the hero of the heroes? Confine him to a 12’X8′ cell and label him a trator!
The hero, having completed his task, wished to move into a bigger role. So, as rational human beings, instead of appreciating what the hero did for you guys and supporting him in his new life callings, you label the guy a traitor and throw him behind bars.
The former CJ is a learned man; he did head the judiciary and he did perform a critical role. I do not want to be judgemental but the former CJ did execute his office in accordance with his oath. Now, his services and his role as a CJ should be appreciated and the advice he is providing as a mentor the state is valuable and should be listened to. Instead, you label him a traitor.
According to Nicholas Dias, the is only one person in the Nation who has the wisdom and the courage to lead the nation. The rest of the approximate 22 million people of the nation are dumb and traitorous.
The oxymoron on the throne has lost the common touch. His whole existence is being threatened (self created; sign of insecurity) and his reaction to this “threat” (invented by himself) is that of a 2 year old.
So my dear Nicholas and comrades of the south, this is why we did not wish to be lead (and be ruled) by you. You guys simply fail to appreciate the beauty, joy and capability of the communities (including your own community) that make up this nation.
We know about him .His voice belongs to America and other rich countries . He wanted to stoped the war against to terrorist in Sri lanka and he couldnt do it . He created many problems to the government in the war time . Nobody have to be suprise about his voice bec.his voice is control by the pepole who try to distroy our motherland .
This reply is for DC and Guru S.
DC says, “You guys fought a war…the war was certainly won by you guys..”
By ‘you guys’ I assume DC is referring to the Sinhalese. By implication, DC has put himself in the opposite camp. I assume he is a diaspora Tamil eelamist.
Let me clarify for the eelamists’ consumption. This was a War of Liberation. The liberation was initially of the 320,000 Tamil hostages held by VP and the LTTE as a human shield against the advancing SL Forces. The liberation was consequently of the whole SL nation who endured 30 long years of hell under the brutal, terrorist, barbaric outrages of the LTTE. VP set himself up as the sole leader of the SL Tamils. He brutally assassinated Tamil dissent against him. Even Amirthalingam, who was his mentor from his youth and brainwashed him with the notions of Tamil nationalism and aspirations, was not spared VP’s wrath, as he thought A was too moderate.
VP unleased a militant insurrection against the SL Nation. He was sponsored, trained, armed and funded by the bitch, Indira Gandhi, through RAW. India was our enemy. IG let loose this blight on us in revenge against JRJ for some comment he had supposedly made unwisely against her. It crippled our eoconomy for 30 years. More than 100,000 died. It was the Tamils of N&E who suffered most in order to realize the pipe-dream of this modern-day Stalin, Hitler and Saddam Hussein of SL. Their lives were disrupted. Generations of Tamil children’s lives were blighted. LTTE abducted them from their homes and schools and conscripted them to his ragtag army. They became gunfodder. Some were brainwashed to become suicide cadres. When in 1995, VP and the LTTE were driven out of Jaffna and the peninsula liberated, he drove before him like a herd of cattle, about 350,000 Tamils, men, women and children. They were to breed for him children for his ragtag army. He was a madman like Hitler or Stalin, with an inflated ego. He was a thug like Saddam Hussein. He was expelled from his school in his youth. He took revenge by killing the pricipal. Indira Gandhi and later, Rajiv Gandhi, supported him in order to divert attention from Tamil Nadu demand for autonomy for a Tamil Nadu Tamil nation. Norway openly supported him, calling him a ‘freedom-fighter’. Britain and USA supported him more subtly, along with Canada and Australia. These countries were allowed to be used for fund collection for the LTTE by the so-called Tamil refugees who immigrated under relaxed rules.
Karuna and Pillaiyan and the LTTE cadres led by them were sick of the wanton bloodshed. It went against their conscience. No amount of brainwashing prevented them from eventual breaking-away. It is true that Karuna may have been involved in the brutal murder of about 800 policemen in the East who were rounded-up and shot in cold blood. The orders came from VP. If Karuna refused he would have been shot himself. During WW2 the ordinary Nazis and the Nazi commanders who issued orders were compelled to carry out war crimes under the orders of Hitler and his Generals. If they refused they would have met the same fate as the victims. President Premadasa was equally to blame for having ordered them to surrender and then did nothing when they were massacred. Eventually, Karuna and Pillaiyan broke-off and joined the government forces against the LTTE. They rendered a great service which eventually led to the ultimate defeat of the LTTE. For this reason, they deserve an amnesty. They confessed and were pardoned. It is right and proper for Hon President to do so. It is his prerogative as President. He is also a Buddhist who follows the holy dhamma of maithriya and samava. K and P are today rendering great political service in the Tamil communities in keeping with the Mahinda Chintanaya. It is truly a greatness in a man to forgive an enemy if he truly repents and seeks forgiveness. SF on the otherhand insisted he commited no crime and therefore seeks no forgiveness. However, two military tribunals have found him guilty and sentenced him. He is now on trial before the criminal court for High Treason. He has a good defence team. His human rights are honoured. If found guilty he has to pay the penalty. He cannot be let-off the hook just because he is a so-called ‘war hero’. SF has a big ego. He attributed to himself the sole credit for the victory. This alone speaks volumes about the man. The nation has rejected him as President. He is corrupt and immoral. He does not deserve to be the President. He should have stayed retired instead of becoming a pawn of JVP who sought to use him to mount an insurrection to overthrow the government when they failed in the Presidential Election and in the General Election. Justice has finally caught up with him for all his crimes when he was in the army. It is now payday.
Radical Sinhalese Nationalists may see in him their champion for a Sinhala Buddhist Nation. But this is their polarised extremist view which is divisive. Under MR we are seeking to unite the country as One Nation. We cannot get polarized into opposing camps on racial and religious grounds. That is animal territorialism. All religions teach the noble truths of peace, love and unity. Those who think otherwise are devil’s spawn leading to anarchy and annhilation.
SNS was a political appointee as CJ by President CBK. The man next on-line to be CJ was really Justice Mark Fernando, a most senior Judge, who had an unblemished, brilliant record. CBK overlooked him and appointed SNS as CJ in revenge for a decree by Justice Mark Fernando against CBK. MF was not corrupt. He based his decree on the facts of the case. He paid for his honesty by being not appointed the CJ. SNS had his human failings. He bent the law to serve self-interest. When he retired he did not stay retired. He joined the other jackasses to line-up against the President. The jackasses lost. Thank God.
Today,under MR courageous and prudent leadership, SL is blossoming in all directions. SL Tamils are enjoying a quality of life they never had before. Only extremist, self-serving Tamil eelamist politicians such as TNA and the Tamil diaspora could rob the majority SL Tamils of their new found prosperity. It is a pity I cannot convince DC as he is a Tamil bigot. There are Sinhala bigots also who cry for Sinhala Buddhist Nation. Such radical views are against the spirit of Lord Buddha’s Dhamma. I hope these few extremists see the broader picture and give up their radical views. They certainly do not speak for the majority Tamils and Sinhalese and other minorities who are with the President in realizing a better future for all.
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Hey people… seriously you dont have much of a work i guess to write this long.. who’s gonna read such a crap.
Ashan is a shit-head who nonetheless has read the ‘crap’. But as he is a shit-head he is unable to digest clear explanations. He is sunk too deep in his own crap.
Mr Dias keep writing your comments are great. I love it.
Thank you Geetha for your appreciation. I am sure there is a silent majority who appreciates my comments and think likewise. Any right-thinking person would agree with me as I am against radicalism, and pro MR efforts to re-build our tattered motherland on fast-track. We should all support him in whatever way we can to make our motherland the ‘Miracle of Asia’, a land with bright prospects for all of us, for generations to come. I am not a member of any political party. I am just a right-thinking ordinary citizen doing my bit to build our nation on Mahinda Chintanaya, which I think is a fantastic Action Plan to achieve prosperity and harmony in our country.
Sarath Nanda Silva may chose to wear black or may be even chose to wear nothing at all since he is a man without shame. He was the one who stopped road side vehicle checks by the army at the height of the war. His stupid brain only sees one side of the coin and by giving freedom to drivers (including mobile bombs) he deprived freedom to live for many innocent people who were blown off by bombs transported freely by terrorists through colombo streets. Rather than wearing Black, I hope he will wear nothing just to expose the true nature of the animal.
Thank you Manjula for reminding us all the truth about SNS. He is a corrupt man with no moral conscience. He was always self serving. He was undoubtedly in the pay of Norway and the diaspora Tamils. He found himself a new future in supporting SF. SNS is also a traitor who bent the law to serve imperial West interests and the interests of LTTE. I hope one day his treason will be exposed and he will hang for it.
u R a double faced crook