CSE Turnover Soars
CSE has reported total turnover of Rs 6.39 billion at the end of Thursday’s trading. Heavy trading in HVA Foods Plc has contributed more than one billion rupees for the day’s turnover. 31,021,800 shares of HVA Foods changed hands during the trading session and closed 14.30 higher at Rs 33.60. Central Investments and Finance PLC (CIFL) which commenced its secondary market trading today, closed 2.10 higher than IPO price at Rs 12.10.
ASI was up by 16.74 points to close at 7030.85 while Milanka closed opposite direction at 6410.12, down 26.77 points. 88 stocks reported gains while 115 stocks closed lower than yesterday’s closing prices.
23,797,500 shares of Colombo Land and Development company Plc changed hands and closed at Rs 64.90, up 3.10. PC House and Panasian Power were among other heavily traded stocks for the day. Panasian Power closed unchanged at Rs 5.20 while PC House closed 1.40 higher at Rs 20.20. Union Bank was up by 1.40 to end the day at Rs 25.40.
The Lanka Hospital Corporation (LHCL) lost 10.50 to close at Rs 93.50. Three Acer Farms Plc lost six rupees to close at Rs 125.30. BFL closed at Rs 268.40, down 1.60.
Source: CSE
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UNP MP’s son if found guilty should be sentenced to at least 6 months rigorous imprisonment as a lesson to all, big and small.
I agree with you Nicholas. And I hope all the SLFP minister’s son’s get the same treatment or else it will only bring unrest in the country.
No one should be above the law, not even President’s sons. There have been reports of a few VIPs’ adult children who have resorted to violence but escaped justice through intimidation of witnesses and corruption. They copy corruption in India whichh is on a massive scale, against which Anna Thalewar, a Ghandian, is leading a mass protest currently. We too may need such protests eventually against corrpution unless the GOSL cracks down on it hard.
Corruption is entrenched in the Sinhala Buddhist way of life.
There isn’t anyone in Sri Lanka of the stature of Anna who can lead a moral uprising against the ills of the Sinhala Buddhist society.
Corruption and exploitation run in the veins of the nation.
Don’t blame the religion. Politicians are responsible for this. Corruption starts at the head and has spread to the feet, like a virus. Big and small, they are all at it. No work can be done unless one pays ‘bakshish’ to grease their palms to get the work done. I found this a problem even in the District Court of Colombo. Unfortunately, corruption has vitiated our society whether, Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim. Religion has not been able to prevent it. SL has aped India in bribery and corruption. I wonder whether it is prevalent also in other SE Asian countries. What is the solution? Should we wait and see how India tackles the problem with the rise of Anna Thalewar factor? I think GOSL should act independently and take effective strong measures against bribery and corruption. We can then send India and SE Asia a good message. For the country to develop, bribery and corruption should be stopped through effective legislation and strong action. Religion is not going to solve the issue. In that case, the country would be crime-free.
SL staged a genocidal war primariy for (1) establishing a strong voter base in the majority community in the south (2) acquiring personal wealth via corrupt transactions related to arms and equipment purchases.
As Nicholas says, corruption is caused by political leaders; in SL politics means absolute and unchecked power and a means personal enrichment.
As Guru says, the Sinhala Buddhist majority community does not have anyone of the stature of Anna to lead an upring against corruption.
F Mahakotiya, under a Sinhalese pseudonym, is trying to propagate LTTE tripe/disinformation/propaganda. He hopes that some mud will stick if lot of mud is thrown. This will not work with us, as the Sinhalese are an intelligent, brave race that cannot be dominated like the kallathonis from TN. Even the British failed to do so.
Problem with the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the local LTTE such as the hardcore elements who escaped/rehabilitated, the TNA, Pillayan, KP et alia, are unable to accept the utter rout and defeat of VP and LTTE. Their total annhilation came as a shock. They want revenge now after 2 years. They are mobilising themselves in SL and around the world. The diaspora Tamils/LTTE are continuing to build up billions of dollars war fund, by hook or by crook, to create LTTE-2 for a new terrorist insurrection, aided by Big Mama and her Tamil nationalist goons and by imperial West dogs and bitches.
What is their strategy? They plan a Libya-style armed conflict to capture the whole of the island for Tamil eelam for less than 4 million Tamils in SL. Are they going to massacre wholesale the Sinhalese majority numbering 15 million +, in Ruwanda style genocide?
SL is not Libya. Our heroic forces will totally annhilate all-comers to preserve our Sinhala sovereignty, under the able direction of the Supreme Commander, Hon President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and the Hon Defence Sec. SL has no oil like Libya. Hence, imperial West dogs will not be interested in aiding and abetting LTTE-2 creation and new terrorist insurrection. SL has only strategic value to US fleets operating in the Indian Ocean, to dominate this part of the world. Perhaps one day, when oil is discovered off-shore, imperial West dogs will swoop down with their military might to seize SL for themselves through their stooges in SL.
Hence it is of utmost importance for Hon President to negotiate close Defence Pacts with Russia and China soon. Plan our strategy now by anticipating the real and impending threat to our sovereignty.
It is really exciting to get Nicholas jumping up and down.
According to the majority Sinhala Buddhists of Sri Lanka and its rulers,
the UN and the UN Secretary General are wrong,
all the international human rights organisations are wrong,
Madam Navi Pillai is wrong,
the US government and the Secretary of State are wrong,
Madam Jayalalithaa of Tamil Nadu is wrong,
Bishop Tutu is wrong,
the Uthayan newspaper is wrong,
Lasantha Wickrematunge was wrong,
General Fonseka is wrong,
the JVP and TNA are wrong,
Channel 4 News is wrong,
Headlines Today TV of India is wrong
So, as a representative of the Sinhala Buddhist community, I do not expect any favours from Nicholas.
Excellent comment by Frederick; is there anyone or any organisation or any country or Government in the World that Sri Lanka says is “right”?
Muammar Gadafi, a pally pally pal of the Blue Brothers and their heir apparent, is tottering; does Sri Lanka have any true friend in the World (those who charge double the interest rate for developmemnt loans are not friends)? Oh, I forgot that bloke from the sinking kingdom; he needs a place to kkep his head when his kingdom is overrun by the ocean.
Mahakotiya has listed a few enemies of SL. Pity he has forgotten to list the so-called Transnational Govt of Tamil eelam.
Our No: 1 enemy is USA followed by Britain, Norway, France, India etc. These are all imperial West dogs and stooges. The bitch Pillai, the bastard Ban Ki Moon and the various NGO bodies, Mahakotiya listed, are all pawns of imperial Yankee USA mainly.
Imperial West is attacking oil rich countries that are hostile to them in order to grab their oil, unashamedly. In so doing they have manipulated the UN for their vested interests. NATO and imperial West allies bombing raids with heavy civilian casualties in Libya, similar to the invasion of Iraq with heavy civilian casualties, led to the downfall of Gadaffi. This is gross interference in a country’s internal insurrection, in favour of the rebels. This is a new and dangerous policy of the imperial West dogs. This trend will be implemented successfully against Syria as well to grab their oil, on the pretext of preventing civilain casualties, when Syrian Govt tries legitimately to put down an internal rebellion.
The CIA had been working over many years underhand to mobilise disenchanted elements in these countries, brain wash them to be pro-imperial West and anti their own governments, under false pretexts. The ulterior motive for this is to capture their rich oil fields for imperial West, while reserving their own oil fields for future use, when the oil in Middle East runs out.
Mahakotiya and other diaspora LTTE/Tamils, including people like JS, Tamil kallathonis with Sinhalese pseudonyms, will be be agitating in the near future for a Libya style insurrection in SL with armed intervention from India and the imperial West against the legitimate GOSL. That is why I am advocating speedy action by Hon President for Defence Pacts with China and Russia to counter imperial West intervention in SL with India.