President approves removal of Chief Justice
Posted by Editor on January 13, 2013 - 12:53 pm
Presidential Coordinating Secretary Wijeyananda Herath states that the president has signed the removal letter of Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranaike.
Meanwhile, Presidential Spokesperson Mohan Samaranaike said that the official announcement of the removal of chief justice was delivered to her residence on Sunday morning.
He added that the decision was made following the parliament’s vote on the impeachment motion.
Courtesy: News First
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This decree is invalid as it arises from an action of Parliament that does not comply with the constitution.
This means are elected representatives are no longer legally and/or constitutionally elected representatives. We still do have a CJ who has the powers to swear in the next legally elected representatives.
All accreditations provided by Diplomats to foreign Governments become invalid and along with that dissapears diplomatic immunity.
Representatives in New York and Canberra who are faced with “valid” war crime allegations should pack their bags and board the next filght to Colombo.
These events appear to a peak in the decline of democarcy. The entire Parliament including LTT prxies who are now “fighting” for democracy appear to be responsible. The main opposition party appears to be working hand-in-glove with the ruling party towards this shameful peak.
The citizens, I believe, are perplexed.
Are u ignorant of the constitution of sri lanka. after Sri Lanka president take a decision it becomes automatically legal. CJ cannt stay in office. everything would become normal within two weeks. Ruling given by supreme court and court of appeal is illegal as it has violated constitution. If you chandani dont know law i will cite clauses of constitution which devolve power to parliament regarding parliamentary matters. Even as per our constitution judiciary is not an independent one. It just an extended arm formed by the parliament. Therefore, your claim is stupid and silly. you like silly buggers accept anything said by anybody without discrimination. Though, judiciary has been entrusted to interpret constitution when there is an ambiguity of clauses. Judiciary cannt do as it wish. Interpretation should be given subject to constitution. If shirani dont go. She can end up in jail. whole judiciary would be replaced by new ones and it would be legalized by the parliament as ruling party has two third majority. Please read following clauses if you dont know 4.(C) “of constitution – The judicial power of the people shall be exercised by parliament through courts, tribunals, and institutions created and established or recognized by the constitution or created and established by law, except in regard to matters relating to the privileges , immunities, and powers of parliament and of its members ,wherein the judicial power of the people may be exercised directly by parliament according to law” 107 (3) Parliament by law or by standing orders provide for all matters relating to the presentation of such an address , including the procedure for the passing of such resolution, the investigation and proof of the alleged misbehavior or incapacity and the right of such judge to appear and to be heard in person or by representative. 118 the supreme court of the republic of Sri Lanka shall be the highest and final superior court of record in the republic and shall subject to the provisions of the constitution exercise (a) jurisdiction in respect of constitutional matters . Therefore, it is clear that judges has violated the 4 (c), 107 (c) and 118. therefore, all judges who gave this wrong ruling should be removed and punished according to the law. I think you are not an imbecile. so you will understand who is illegal
….. And, then Sri Lanka going to have unsurpassed prosperity, development and peace in a scale that not is going to be anything like we have seen since the end of the terrorism!!!!
It is pathetic the these people can not see the bigger picture. IF One person seems to be doing something right, then they criticize him or her for not achieving perfection. All those havens with human rights, perfect press freedom got there from the situation where SL now is and by taking other people’s wealth, land and resorting to slavery to amass the wealth they now use to fund those marvelous things. Cry for the moon, until SL can stand on her own feet it will never happen but chaos. Think how Lee Kuan Yew (Singapore), Mahathir bin Mohamad (Malaysia), and those developed Thailand achieved it. They were not given the Nobel prize for human rights, but did the right thing for the time they were in power. The later generations now reap the benefits and they can now bother about those icings on the cake.
Judges should not have attended the discussion with president as an objection. Now president is trying to win gradually layers union and judges. But we hope any supreme court judge is not going to accept the new appointment.
Thank you Hon President for doing the right thing to uphold justice, the judicial system of SL and the honour of the Office of CJ. We should now clean up the whole judiciary of the corrupt elements among lawyers and judges through a thorough investigation by a special committe appointed by Hon President. Let us have a judiciary which is honest, incorruptible and just.
The previous incumbant had to go for being so corrupt, proven and found guilty by the PSC. The imperial West led by yankee USA tried to interfere on our internal affairs. How dare they dictate to us and threaten us to bow to their will? Thank you Hon President for your courageous stand, as in the instance when you withstood tremendous pressure from the Foreign Minister of Britain, David Miliband, and the French FM to stop the War of Liberation against the LTTE terrorists to save the 300,000 plus SL Tamil citizens held as a human shield and a cow to produce the LTTE with child soldiers.
SL is on the road to victory in the economic front. It is a long road. But we will get there with co-operation of all of us as a whole, the ONE NATION. Malaysia and Singapore did it despite imperial West cries of human rights abuse etc to hamper the progress of these nations. We have good and loyal friends in China and Russia who will ever support us economically to climb the ladder of progress as they are doing.
Look at the EU today. Britain is threatening to quit. Greece and Spain are bankrupt due to economic failure. Italy and Portugal are also on their way to bankruptcy. Ireland just managed to avert a crisis. How long will EU manage to support the bankrupt member states with funds? EU is a disaster wating to implode. Germany and France are conspiring against Britain and putting the boot in. The unemployment rates in Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal and some of the new member states are apalling. Compared to them SL is doing very well, thanks to the wise and steady policies of Hon President despite efforts by our enemies within and without to trip us up.
JVP to its utter shame is cosying up with extremist Islamists in SL, as the JVP is bankrupt financially and of ideas. They are political nonentities today. They are evil TRAITORS of the ONE NATION. I hope the nation will never elect even one MP for the JVP and also to the Provincial Councils. They should wither and die!
The rule of a dictatorship Government has bugun in Sri Lanka. This is because of there is no proper opposion leader to fight against this rule of injustice and constitutional violations happening in Sri Lanka. So it is a one sided Government in Sri Lanka and MR will rule for ever, and the UPFA Government members will have a Gala time as they too will be in power for an unknown period of time. So let them make hay while the sunshines as they will never get an opportunity like this. The suffering people’s voices will never be heard by ony one in Sri Lanka, as most of the poor and the middle class are now living by not having a proper meal as they could hardly manage the wages they are earning now when comparing with the high cost of loving.
Country is not in good shape…. People should take responsibility with immediate effect and resign from their role? What’s their role?
They are the ones appointed the parliament, they created the ministers…So people/public should resign ASAP.
Pack up … Pack up.
Hi Upul (Blog 3),
Thank you for your comments.
The CJ was sacked yesterday and today, SL does not have a CJ. But see what is happening, Aunty Shiranee is in her chambers in Hultsdork, working!
Upul, have you read hansard for the 10th and 11th of Jan? Hon Smanthran has explained the reasosns for the SC decision including reason why they did not consider the “or by Standing Order” words.
Upul, we do not have a parliament because the MP’s have not honoured the oath on “upholding the constitution”.
No she accepted it bcs she knows law. After presidential order any law, ruling , order becomes null bcs of executive powers..
As you said they have no power not to consider or. In a constitution even a letter is important. if it is not considered or omitted then it would become an amendment to the constitution. The supreme court is not authorized to do amendments. it has to be done by the parliament.Do you know who is sumanthiran? They dont accept this parliament. they are proxies of tigers. When opportunity comes they once again crawl to jungle..