Traffic Police officer interdicted & arrested for assaulting two youths in Eravur

Sri Lanka Police officer involved in assault of two youths in Eravur interdicted

Sri Lanka Police said the Police Constable caught on camera assaulting two youth in Eravur on Friday (22) night was interdicted and arrested.

A video footage shared by Batticaloa District MP Shanakiyan Rasamanickam shows a traffic Police officer assaulting two youths travelling on a motorcycle in Eravur.

“Police Brutality continues in Batticaloa and will fall on the deaf ears of Minister Sarath Weerasekara,” the MP tweeted.

According to the Police Spokesperson the police officers in question and his partner were noting down information of an accident that had taken place in the area and were in the process of noting down the measures of the scene.

The Police Spokesperson said that all vehicles had stopped to allow the police officers to carry out their duty of reporting the accident, however, a motorcycle with two people had attempted to cross the scene at that moment.

“It was then that the assault had taken place,” said the Police Spokesperson, adding that the Police Constable in question will be produced in court today (23).