Posted by Editor on December 9, 2010 - 11:46 am
Udul Premaratne, Convenor of the Inter University Students’ Federation, was released on bail this morning.
When his bail application was taken up, Deepali Wijesundera, Colombo High Court Judge, enlarged Premaratne on bail in Rs. 50,000 and two surety bail in Rs. 500,000 each.
The bail conditions stipulated that Udul Premaratne should not engage himself in any activities of the Student Federation and pasting posters until the case against him was over.
Premaratne was taken into custody in October on charges of damaging public property estimated at Rs. 100,000.
Courtesy: News First
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Mee yaka Dental Faculty giye awrudu 8kata issara. Exam fail wela Faculty ekenuth elola. Mans kohomada Student Union ekaka weda karanne, Anee karlee Wanee warsee kiwalu!
This fellow was chased out from Peradeniya Denta Faculty 8 years ago! How the hell he became a “Convenor of the Inter University Students’ Federation”
UP is a political stooge of the JVP. He has been brainwashed by the JVP with their leftist propaganda and planted in the university, as a bogus dental student. He is in the JVP pay to convene inter-university students unions through out the length and breadth of the country. The JVP plan is to propagate their anarchist, leftist dogma among gullible students, and turn the heads of many as possible to create anarchy in the country, in order to topple the government of the day. this was very apparent in the JVP uprisings of ’71, ’88 /89. The JVP does not care that the students’ education would be disrupted and that they may even lose their lives in riots instigated by the JVP. I am truly sorry for the poor rural parents, who worked so hard to give their children a good education and send them to university, hoping for a better future for the children and for themselves. The JVP by politicizing universities will wreck the students lives and their future and the future of the parents.