Undergrads attack Ruhuna VC; Vice Chancellor receives outdoor treatment: Senior Student Advisor also assaulted:
Ruhuna University Vice Chancellor Prof Susirith Mendis was attacked by a group of undergraduates when he went to settle a clash between two student groups of the Humanities Faculty yesterday morning.
The Vice Chancellor who received injuries obtained outdoor treatment from the Matara General Hospital, said a spokesman for the Hospital Police Post.
Senior Student Advisor Saman Chandana who arrived at the scene too had been assaulted by some students.
The Vice Chancellor has made a complaint to the Matara Police regarding the attack.
There has been continuous student arrests in the Ruhuna University within the last few days with students attached to the Inter-University Students Union clashing with members of the Science Faculty Student Union. Seven undergraduates were hospitalised following a clash between two groups Tuesday. Some of the undergraduates attached to the Ruhuna University allege that members of the Inter-University Students Federation were trying to create chaos at the institution and disrupt its smooth functioning.
Higher Education Minister S B Dissanayake said yesterday that disciplinary action will be taken against the undergraduates behind the attack.
He said if found guilty, they will be expelled from the University.
Daily News
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I am apalled by eminent men in the universities being attacked by student rabble, led by JVP anarchists. Hon Minister of Education is answerable as he has still failed to bring these situations in universities around the country under affective control. There need to be special riot squads, specially established in police stations in university towns, for quick and effective arrest of these student rabble and perpetrators of the crimes. They need to be hauled before the magistrates and and the full force of the law applied on the rabble and the perpetrators.
JVP is as usual creating these situations by forcing students to be misled to riot by a few JVP goons, in their pay. JVP itself is funded by foregin agencies to create this mayhem within the country to disrupt the progress the country is making on fast track under Mahinda Chintanaya. In order to come to power, the JVP is trying to create anarchy using university students, most of whom are unwilling pawns who are being used for political purposes of the JVP under threat.
The IGP must employ undercover CID to gather evidence of the perpetrators of these unrests and arrest them to be punished by the courts. Isn’t it time the Minister of Education and the police work together to take effective measures before these JVP conspired student riots evolve to murder and destruction beyond control?
University students do not realise how fortunate they are to get a free university education and bright prospects in SL. In Britain, under the new budget, the university fee has been raised to £12000 a year, which only the few rich can afford. Sri Lankan students should be made aware of this by the government how fortunate they are to get free university education, and discipline instilled into the students. If they failed to abide by the law of the land let them be arrested and punished. They should be expelled and the President must not be soft at heart when the parents come bleating to him to let them off the hook. He must take a hard stand and act now to create a disciplined society for our country to be successful in every field.
This stupied university ideots think that because that they memorise and pass a stupied exam they are clever. Sri Lanka will be a better place if you burn all the universities with these idiots in them.
Don’t waste time and money for these buggers. Look at the wesak day. oue mechaics and skille labour force and inveset on them. Get uni odeots to clean the public toilets. What else can they do apart from making the govt office chairs warm.
Hey Ranjith,
How many marks did you get in the A/Ls exam? Do be so jealous with the people who did well … also better not jump in to the conclusions such as yours are utterly useless… if you are little aware of the difference between a educated person and a skill labor or a mechanic you’d not say this… Just move around and feel the difference.
Anyway some discipline must be maintain in these places. That’s what one should look at…
Some of the student cant understand that they get the free education by the money of inocent pepole . They thought basterd jvp party spend money .JVP party must take the responsibale for all problems that they creating in univercities .
I sincerely hope the Hon President convene a special meeting with Education Minister, Defence Minister and IGP to plan strategies for effective control of this situation before it gets totally out of control. This situation is like a Pandora’s Box. We have to keep a lid on it. If you open it all evils will break lose beyond control leading to ruin.
I suggest that the Defence Minister and IGP deploy under cover CID officers to gather intelligence on the conspirators, primary rabble rousers and agitators in the universities around the country. No doubt, JVP is behind all this youth unrest, funded by foreign saboteurs. It is politically motivated to bring the MR government down. The enemies of our country cannot bear to see SL progressing in leaps and bounds under the Mahinda Chintanaya. The political enemies of MR government have no moral conscience. They see in university students easy tools to be manipulated against the government. Before this gets out of hand spurred-on by JVP and other goons, the MR government must act fast and effectively with no mercy. It is the JVP leaders who need to be behind bars for good. So let the Defence Minister find irrefutable evidence through intelligence officers on the ground and bring the JVP leaders and other goons to book, fast.
good way to catch osama binladen… very funny of you people… There must be a proper method to bring disciplines in universities.
Hi Guys (of the southern Sinhala community),
You guys enjoyed unity and strength in the time when we had juice in our testicles. The consequences of removing that juice through you genocidal war is severly impacting on you as a community.
DC and such LTTE goons, the rump, are licking their balls since their total debacle. They are trying to find comfort in this. Let them meditate on their nether regions to find solace. Are you a bunch of suckers now?
Ragging is a reflection of social attitudes in Sri Lanka. The southern Sinhala community has always found joy in the misery of others in society and found contentment in the ridicule of others.
As a fresher in one of SL’s residential universities, I was ragged for 2 weeks upon admission. All freshers had to strip naked and parade in the corridors of the hall of residence walking up and down 4 floors at 10 PM. The raggers stood around cheering and when the parade reached to shower rooms, the raggers bucketed the naked freshers with cold water.
At other spots, the raggers screamed the parade to a halt and closely inspected the genitalia of the freshers and made vulgar comments. The raggers appeared to be obsessed with genitalia.
The freshers were paraded military style in the nude on a public bridge with the University precint in two instances.
A group of freshers were also paraded in the nude around the residential halls occupied by women.
On the final day of the rag, all freshers were paraded in the nude in the meal room and to cap it all, the freshers were paired and forced to shave each others’ pubic hair and all this in the presence of university academic staff. Thereafter, they were driven outside for a freezy cold bucketing followed by dinner in the buff.
The lead ragger eventually rose high in public service and was a cabinet minister some time ago. I bumped into him several times and he continues to live with his obsession for other guys’ genitalia.
The warden the residence in whose presence the shaving was carried out, eventually became the VC of the University.
This evidence is provided to support my contention that the southern sinhala community has “always found joy in the misery of others in society and found contentment in the ridicule of others”.
Hey Demala C,
Pity the person who inspected your terrorist tamil genitals. Was any gunpowder detected in your semen?
I agree with Demala Chelvan. Ragging is a social ailment which manifests in the university days. The ailment continues to afflict society in the later stages of it development.
I continue to carry the physical and psychological scars caused by ragging in my university by the peers, to this day.
Asela and the tamil bloke have hit the nail on the head.
We do, as a community, continue to rag the lesser mortals in our society, socially as well as psychologically and physically, day-in day-out.
Our war hero, Rtd Gen SF, is a case in point. The tamil community being held behind razor wire, is an example. The tea estate labour community is another example. The massess who are asked to eat rice instead of bread, hoppers and thosai are another example.
320,000 SL Tamil citizens were herded together like cattle behind barbed wire, in the final days of the War of Liberation, by none other than VP and his evil LTTE. His own Tamil people became his human shield against the advancing SL Forces. The devil VP gave orders for his own Tamil people be shot and bombed by suicide cadres if they tried to escape to SL army side. So, DC, Asela, Kolitha and others get your facts right. Our troops helped the Tamil hostages to escape at the cost of their lives and limbs in hand-to-hand fighting with the LTTE, to minimise civilian deaths, on the orders of Hon President, the Commander-in-Chief. It was the world’s biggest hostage rescue operation. Even the powerful Western forces cannot match the skill of our troops, because of their gung-ho mentality.
Indeed, navaka vadaya or ragging should be stopped with the full force of the law. Indeed, University staff should implement the law of the land against such ragging as a crime, otherwise they themselves should be arrested and punished for complicity through neglect. Indeed, the Hon Minister of Education should ensure stricter laws are passed by the Parliament and implemented, to remove this cancer from our society for good.
Tea estate Indian Tamil community is better-off today with more opportunity for their children, than in the times they were brought in by the imperial West as coolies (cheap labour) to work in their palnatations. Indira Gandhi agreed to take back more than 300,000 of the Indian Tamil estate workers. But the bitch re-negged on her agreement. There was no President who had the courage to send them back to India by force, as Burma did in 1964, when Burma drove bak to India the Tamil coolies brought into their country by the British Raj in the colonial times.
SF is in prison for crimes he committed. He is on trial now for the heinous crime of High Treason.
Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for your outburst.
Ragging cannot be contained or eradicated by the full force of the law. It is a cultural thing.
When the Sinhala Buddhists become enlightened and metamorphise into a cultured society, the ragging will stop.
When the Sinhala Buddhists become enlightened and metamorphise into a cultured society, they will respect and value other communities.
When the Sinhala Buddhists become enlightened and metamorphise into a cultured society, they will take affirmative action against social evils.
When the Sinhala Buddhists become enlightened and metamorphise into a cultured society, the call for separatism will be drowned by the waves of compassion.
DC, I suppose you believe VP and the barbaric LTTE who committed mass genocide of the Sinhalese and Muslim SL citizens in the N & E, dashing innocent babies on rocks and hanging beheaded women’s heads on trees, carried out enlightened and cultured practices of eelamist Tamils. So much for your lop-sided, screwed-up views!
Ragging is not a ‘cultural thing’ as you put it. They are ugly barabric criminal acts carried out by a few screwed-up minds for their evil enjoyment. These evil criminals have no place in the cultured civilised society of SL. They have to be stopped by implementing the full force of the law. JVP is behind it. Their leaders and the few screwed-up evil student should be in prison, and their free education stopped.
JVP KIYANNE LTTE EKE carbon pitapatha.EKE inna hora siwuru karayo thamai bomba squad eka.Siwura dagena inne MINISUNGEN GUTIKANTAWENA NISA
WD you are quite right in commenting that JVP are a carbon copy of LTTE in their miltancy. JVP believes the only way for them to capture power to rule the country according to their screwed-up policies is by the bullet. They brain-washed SF to think their way with false hopes, massaging his ego. He failed miserably. Today he is facing trial for High Treason.
JVP has returned to the drawing-board. They have returned to their old tactics of rousing the university students (just a few of them) against the government, to cause death, destruction and anarchy. The JVP brain washes the freshers and the hardcore marxist university students with their screwed-up leftist views. Ragging is a process they use to brainwash them by humiliating them so they can be easily bent to carry out JVP orders.
GOSL should wake up to this threat. Do not let it get out of hand as they did in the case of LTTE. It would cost the country dearly. JVP leaders should be linked to the current university students unrest. They should be arrested or shot if they tried to cause death and destruction of law-abiding citizens of the country. They are a cancer that should be surgically removed before it spreads to the whole body to cause death.
The student monks are another tool in the arsenal of JVP. Some are genuine student monks. Others are there to get an free university education by wearing a robe, then they would quit to become ordinary citizens to enjoy life. Such student monks already showed their true colours by holding tamashas in their halls of residence. We do not what other depravity they get up to. They are pawns of the JVP working to JVP agenda. Such student monks should be identified and expelled. They should also be subjected to the full force of the law as any other criminal.