Five-year-old child found dead with cut injuries from a construction site in Mulleriyawa

Police line do not cross - Crime

The body of a 5-year-old child, with cut wounds believed to have been caused by the pieces of a broken glass bottle, has been recovered by the police at a construction site in Mulleriyawa.

The mother of the child, who is separated from the father reportedly, goes to work during the day and the five-year-old remains in the custody of the grandparents.

After the death of the child was reported to the emergency number 119, the Mulleriyawa Police launched an investigation.

The magisterial inquest has been conducted while the body has been placed at the morgue of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (IDH Hospital) to perform the post-mortem examination.

The Mulleriyawa Police is conducting investigations to uncover whether there was any foul play.

UPDATE – 03:10 PM: The police have arrested a 51-year-old in connection with the death of the 5-year-old child in Halbarawa area in Malabe.

According to the police, the suspect is a grass cutter who was in the vicinity of the construction site where the child’s body was found.