Maha Shivarathri: President calls for stronger unity
May every lamp lit by Hindus to Lord Shiva on this Maha Shivarathri help dispel the darkness of ignorance and bring the light of stronger unity among all our peoples, stated President Mahinda Rajapaksa in his message for Maha Shivarathri.
Following is the message:
I am pleased to send my good wishes to Hindus in Sri Lanka who observe Maha Shivarathri, the festival in honour of Lord Shiva, which seeks to dispel all evil and enhance good in society.
In the freedom that prevails in Sri Lanka, our common aspiration is for a virtuous society. It is my belief that the many rituals such as night long vigils at temples, fasting and chanting of devotional songs, observed by Hindus at this festival, and their praying for a better society, will help fulfill this aspiration.
Religious values are foremost in removing mistrust among ethnic and religious groups. Therefore, all religions have a great responsibility to instill moral values among people, helping society to be rid of evil.
May every lamp lit by Hindus to Lord Shiva on this Maha Shivarathri help dispel the darkness of ignorance and bring the light of stronger unity among all our peoples.
Source: Government News Portal
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I see a strong message in the words of HE MR. It reads ” May every lamp lit by Hindus to Lord Shiva on this Maha Shivarathri help dispel the darkness of ignorance….”.
We are in the darkness of ignorance in relation to Tamil nationalism. I hope the Hindu lamps help in dispelling this ignorance.
Once dispelled, the prevalence of tamil nationalism will manifest and as a sub-set, the issue of a Tamil Homeland will require attention.
The tamils do need a homeland and the identification of the location of that homeland should be approached and dealt with in a calm and objective manner.
When all socio-economic fators are risk assessed and prioritised for each of the options available, the preferred location for the Tamil homeland turns out to be Tamil Nadu.
I encourage organisations such the Centre for Policy Alternatives to research this issue and issue a policy guide to assist the leaders of the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka in the decision making process.
The US Senate while debating President Hussein’s interim budget to enable pay US public servants’ pay for the month of March, took a couple of minutes to “unanimously” approve a resolution that “calls upon the President to develop a comprehensive policy towards Sri Lanka that reflects United States interests, including respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, economic interests, and security interests”.
Sections 1-3 of the resolution adopted by the US Senate amount to a blatant violation of the sovereignity of the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka. These sections should be forwarded to the UNHRC for consideration.
In response to Section 4 of the resolution (reproduced above) the time is apt for taking up the homeland issue for the terrorist tamils. As stated in my previous blog, the identification of a land mass within the State of Tamil Nadu to house all Sri Lankan Tamils and the expatriation of those people to the identified land mass should be pursued via the United Nations without any further delay.
This will ensure (1) meeting with the aspirations of the terrorist tamils and the terrorist intellectual tamil diaspora and (2) safety and security of the Sinhala Buddhist Citizens of the Sinhala Buddhist Republic of Sri Lanka.
If we procrastinate on this issue any further, the terrorist intellectual tamil diaspora will soon be out in the marketplace for mass purchasing machetes to enable terrorist tamil sleepers in Sri Lanka to hack Sinhala Buddhist Citizens either in sleep or when they are going about their legitimate chores.
Dear Guru
The problems with your suggestion that all Sri Lankan Tamil citizens should be ‘re-patriated’ to Tamil Nadu is:
1. They should be willing to be re-patriated. You cannot force them to leave. That would be a violation of their fundamental human rights.
2. Tamil Nadu and Central Govt of India should both agree for Sri Lankan Tamils to be ‘re-patriated’.
I think very few SL Tamil citizens would be willing to be ‘re-patriated’ to TN. Not even eelamist Tamils, diaspora and LTTE, since they claim North and East is their ‘homeland’.
Central Govt and TN would reject such a solution. Indira Gandhi agreed to take back 200000 stateless Indian Tamils back, provided we grant citizenship to the rest. But she promptly re-negged on the agreement. SL govt then ended up with granting citizenship to all the stateless Indian Tamils brought to SL as coolies by the British. Nationalist Tamil parties forced the government’s hand to grant this, to increase the Tamil population in SL.
Dear Nicholas,
Ever since the call for ’50:50′ by the illustrious tamil leader, GGP in 1948, the Tamils have alleged discrimination. The Sinhala Buddhists have gone to the extent of developing constitutional provisions and legislating ‘equality’ in many areas of socio-economic activity in many instances. In fact, we have gone out of our way to address concerns of the Tamils at the expense of the Sinhala Buddhist Citizens.
The Sinhala Buddhist initiatives have not been acceptable to the Tamils; as a consequence they took up arms and undertook a cruel war against the Sinhala Buddhist Citizenry for over 3 decades.
Now the Sinhala Buddhist nation has reached a nadir where a homeland in Tamil Nadu for the Tamils is the only solution that meets with the needs of the Tamils and with the needs of the Sinhala Buddhists.
We should embark on an aggressive campaign worldwide to sell this solution. There should be substantial investment in this campaign highlighting benefits to all inhabitants of the Island. We should enlist the UNSG and President Hussein and the EU in this campaign.
If we continue to preach social cohesion, socio-economic beneficiaries such as Pillayan the blogger will loudly sing hossanas supporting our words. This is however an empty gesture.
But one fine day, a Tamil leader with a twisted mind (there are many in existence) will stand up and off we go again dealing with gun powder filled testicle bearing men and dynamite padded bra wearing lassies.
So my dear Nicholas, the best we can do for the future of our Nation and that of the tamil inhabitants of this Nation, is to ensure their safety and wellbeing in Kanimoli land.
Dear Guru
Buddhism is a philosophy and a religion. It is not exclusive to Sinhalese only. The message of Lord Buddha spread far and wide in the world to enlighten fellow men. It is a message of peace, hope, joy, love. It ends suffering within from desire, hatred and greed, the hell we live in, through renunciation. As true Buddhists we cannot return to the turmoil of hatred, communalism and territorialism.
Tamil extremists and nationalists will call for eelam in SL. They will not get it in any form. If they take up arms again with the help of imperial West for their petty vested interests, we will meet the challenge and vanquish them again and again. They will never take the upper hand. This is because as disciples of Lord Buddha, we are protected by the Tripitaka. We are spiritually and physically made strong against our enemies to do battle and vanquish our foes, spiritual as well as secular.
Do not keep saying ‘Sinhala Buddhists’. Buddhism is for all nations. There are Christians among the Sinhalese. Are you going to purge the Sinhala Christians one day? This is not the message of Lord Buddha. Give up beating your Sinhala Buddhist drum. It is shameful, as it shows your radicalism and intolerance. A true disciple of Lord Buddha cannot be intolerant. They will then live in a world of hatred, distrust and suffering of their won making. The message of Lord Buddha is just the opposite. I hope in this year of Sambudvajayanthi you be enlightened to be tolerant, peaceful and loving.
SL has been invaded by South Indians for many centuries, wave after wave. They came as kallathonis as well as marauders, to pillage the land. Norway found kinship with the LTTE for this reason also, because the Vikings were famed in history for their invasions of Britain in ancient times to pillage and destroy.
The GOSL must ensure a strong SL Border Protection Force to patrol, search and destroy kallathonis from South India encroaching our land. Merely capturing their boats and then releasing them, on a deal with India, alone will not do. Confiscate, burn and destroy their boats. Let India pay a large ransom to get their captured kallathonis back, since they were unable to keep them from invading our shores. Somali pirates generate billions of dollars this way. The imperial West turn a blind eye to it. We are not pirates. We are protecting our borders. This includes our territorial waters. We have a right to do so. My suggestion is our own home grown solution.
Guru’s suggestion that ALL Tamils be sent back to TN is not a practical viable solution to the ethnic issue. India will not agree to it. Indira Gandhi cheated us by agreeing to accept 200,000 Indian Tamils back, who were brought here by the British and were stateless, but promptly re-negged her agreement. These stateless Tamils have been given SL citizenship, so we cannot send them back to TN. Indira Gandhi went further. She created, financed and released the LTTE blight on us which destroyed our economy as well as our people. Lesson to be learnt is India cannot be trusted!