October 01, 2010: “I think he was given a present for ending 30 years of terrorism. I cannot imagine with what kind of a frame of mind that this was done. We hope for at least some relief from the courts as we have faith in the judiciary.
“My husband and myself always said that we have not done anything wrong to ask for forgiveness. If we are told what kind of appeal it should be, then we will consider it.”
Anoma Fonseka, wife of former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka made this statement after visiting her husband in Welikada prison this evening.
Several members of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) visited the Welikada prison this evening, but it was only Mrs. Fonseka and her sister who were allowed to go into the prison and meet former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka.
Courtesy: News First
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Anoma, your husband deserves what he got. He brought it on himself. He is the architect of his own destiny, the captain of his own ship. Please don’t blame yourself or the President or anybody else for it. He has to pay for his crimes ultimately. We do not shed tears for him. Actually we cannot wait for the verdict of the criminal courts for his crimes of treason, coup plot, and plot to assissinate the President and his family and others. By your crocodile tears you are guilty also of complicity to assassinate the President.
I can not write english well. I am also a freedom party member but this is not satisfaction for me. ltte members done more damage to the country but they are given forgiveness from president as give only punishment like training on industriyal for their future. why this man can not give a chance that all srilankans think he worked hard to save this country. what a sinful work this.
Mr. president,
Are you a clean man to become the executive president of Sri Lanka? Once you were jailed for murder case by a Sri Lankan court of law. Second thin, once you hide Tsunami funds in an undisclosed adrs in Sri Lanka (HELPIMG HAMABATOTA). Now you are balaming Gen. Sarath Fonseka of takimg bribes or commisions while buying military hardware. What is behind the disappearence of Mr. Pradeep Eknaligoda? You know the answer very well. Just think about yourself and don’t think that all Sri Lankans are fools and your Rajapaksha company is very smart.
Dayaratne Bandara.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
this is un fair we all have be very shame as sri lankans. we all pass our life in good conditions beacuse of him not only him all of us joined the war but he is the hero. so tell us who is in the next of presidnet list for jail. Im sure KP…. nooo may be Im wrong.. yes Im wrong KP never go there . cause he didnt chalenge to presidential ship. from my age 18 I hate this presdentail ship ccc what happend today.
kindly request from you all to be gather to realese SF if not are ready to die for democracy??????
WEL DONE….Nic dias, i aggre with you,
Dear anoma madam as you know every action have reaction.
In our recent history those who misused thir power we have experience thir fate.
We know your pain leave every thing up to God
We belive that very soon by God siranthi madam and Rajepaksa ladies clade in white becoming rich widows.
then they wiil have to moan
ape munta chande dunne mewage kaala kanne wada karannada,rata kana raja paksala,aneka Nicholas uu ata merekanawa
The LTTE who fled and surrendered to the army can be forgiven, because they were young boys and girls who were conscripted and brainwashed by VP and the hardcore LTTE. They have seen the error of their ways and have repented. They have been re-habilitated and re-trained in new job skills to find gainful employment to build their future and the future of the country. Karuna and Pillaiyan set an example by being brave to acknowledge that VP is a bigotted, evil, fascist leader who have ruined the lives of the Tamils in the North and East and blighted the lives of generations of Tamils. Hence they braved his wrath and left him. VP and the hardcore LTTE met their just desserts finally, for 30 years of suffering they inflicted on the nation and the Tamil people. Today, Karuna and Pillaiyan are in mainstream politics doing their bit to their communities and the nation. KP and others who have renounced Tamil separatism/nationalism have also equal opportunity of joining main stream politics to build the nation. TNA unfortunately have not renounced Tamil nationalism. They will come to a sorry end also finally.
SF, Ranil, Mangala, JJ, KJ and the JVP leaders are egoistic, selfish men who are greedy for power and wealth. They are not interested in building a tattered nation after 30 years of ravage by LTTE. They are only interested in creating wealth for themselves on the back of the poor hard working people of this country. They stink to high heaven. They are funded by the imperial West with vested interests. SF was given suitcases full of crisp US dollars for his Presidential campaign and for the general election. JVP are also bank-rolled by the imperial West to sabotage the economic progress and subvert the country by creating chaos. They are anarchists. TNA likewise is bank rolled by the diaspora LTTE and Norway, the sly fox.
SF in particular has already been found guilty by two military tribunals, and is standing trial at criminal court for treason, coup plot and plot to assassinate the President, his family, UPFA politicians and celebrities who campaigned for the President. There is irrefutable evidence to convict him of these heinous crimes. There is only one verdict and sentence for him, capital punishment. I for one, will shed no tears for this evil brute. The sentence should not be commuted but carried out. Ranil and other traitors should also be rounded-up and brought before the criminal court. If found guilty they should also face capital punishment. They should not be allowed their freedom to bid for power again to ruin everything the present UPFA government is doing to rebuild a ravaged country.
The religious leaders of the nation should devote themselves to guide the nation on spiritual matters so that people lead spiritual lives. This way there will be less crime in the country. People would lead happier lives devoted to their families, children and the country. They should not try to influence our President to let-off the traitor SF lightly to escape to the imperial West to come back one day to lead another insurrection that will spell economic disaster to the nation. Infact they should not meddle in politics at all but devote themselves to religious observances.
There are unfortunately misguided people who believe all the lies and propaganda peddled out by JVP, UNP and TNA that SF is innocent, he is war hero etc. He is no war hero. The crimes he committed through his army career and the lives he ruined are too numerous to recount. But suffice it to say he is a criminal and a traitor. He got what he deserved. It was long in coming but eventually his sins caught up with him. It is payday now!
Dear President,
OK, we agree there may be some misconduct and misuse of power by SF while he is in duty. But president should forgive him as thinking the major contribution of SF to win the war. Make a comparison of way victory and the future saving of war expenditure and also lives saving against SF’s crimes, definetly the benifits are more from war victory against his crimes. So please leave him alone.
Sorry for my English,may be SF hi did some wrong during his working period but who has stop the ware against blady LTTE, SF he is the one who lead the team for victory, why our donkey government showing there underground leadership to the world , this is really embarrassing situation for all of sri lankan
We don’t care SF,MR,RANIL OR ANY but the using the low for rajapaksa way this is not good at all
who is this niolas dias? one of those kind who licks rajapakshas feet. how muh u get paid for going kade to them? may be big bag of money. idiot. think and tap ur heart? are u sinhaleesh? or some other crap? i really think u dont have any pedegree. anyway u are one of those who were reqruited to write on behalf of rajapaksha and company. for ur knowledge, we are real sinhaleesh and we have love enormouse love to our motherland. and other hand we used to be and still SLFP supporters. we fought thru those dark ear when unp was destroying da ountry. cut its a disgrace that what rajapaksha and co is doing. its a shame for all of us. shame on u and shame on whole government, and shame on all idiotics who are keeping their mouths. we all should get out of our house and demand mr rajapaksha to release him.