Legal action if House dissolved: UNP

United National Party - UNP

The United National Party (UNP) yesterday said it will take legal action if Parliament is dissolved as anticipated.

This was revealed by UNP Chairman Kabir Hashim at a media briefing last evening.

“We will make use of whatever legal provisions available and take action if the House is dissolved,” UNP Chairman said. “As per the 19th Amendment to the constitution, the President is free to dissolve Parliament only after the present one completes four and a half years of its term. The only way out is to allow a political group to show a majority in the House,” he added.

Mr Hashim alleged that investors had taken out as much as Rs.7 billion from the Colombo stock market during the past seven days. Additionally, he said JICA has suspended several projects that had been in the pipeline including the new Kelani Bridge project after the present crisis erupted.

UNP MP Eran Wickramaratne, sharing his views, said that MPs both from the SLMC and the ACMC have gone abroad for their safety. “In the past, only media personnel fled the country fearing for their safety, however today even MPs are leaving the country for this very reason,” he said.

(Source: Daily Mirror – By Yohan Perera)